Tuesday, October 4, 2016

"I Think I Can" Flower Arranging

“I think I can" flower arranging…

Meaning:  an intersection of positive persistence, fearlessness, willingness, creativity and an idea.  Qualities that all KGC members possess.
Root:  Marion Jones’ presentation on her GCA Shirley Meniece experience in CA.  Yes, we were listening!!
By Mary Payne, 2011-12 Flower Arranging Chairman
At our November 2011 meeting Marion showed photographs of table arrangements that she had seen while attending the Shirley Meniece Horticulture Workshop in Pasadena.  The evening speaker at the workshop was Debra Lee Baldwin, Garden Photojournalist & Author of "Designing with Succulents".     The arrangements were originally designed by Laura Eubanks of San Diego - directions can also be viewed on the "Southern California Nursery Plants" website. 

From Laura's Pumpkin Website Linked Above
Several of our members thought they were terrific and wanted to try to make their own for the Thanksgiving holidays.  Marion provided the directions.   Mary Payne has provided her own step-by-step photos below.  The arrangements were very easy to make - our group used more dried seeds/pods/grasses than succulents due to the fact that it was the week before Thanksgiving and there was not a great selection of succulents available in our stores.  You, too, can create these!  Give it a try - it was fun and easy.  Mary, Nelle, Mary Anne & Sara had a great time sharing plants, phone calls, & supplies.

Our photos and instructions are below.
Smiling granddaughters of Nelle who conducted her own workshop with her grandchildren.


The ones below were created by Sara   She used a combination of dried materials, cuttings from her yard and succulents - some purchased, some from her yard.  The containers were miniature pumpkins from the market.


Now, let's start.
First I gathered all my materials and sorted them into piles on my workshop table.   This way I could see everything that I had available to use. 
I purchased bags of gourds from Greens (.50 a bag), white pumpkins from Greens and acorn squash from Kroger (on my KGC Kroger card!).  Note the Elmer's craft bond spray glue and Ailene's Tacky Glue that Sara found.  I used more of the Elmers.

I had an abundance of Nandina berries and the black berries are from the crepe myrtle. Spagnum moss was my favorite 'nest' material.


First I made a fist sized nest out of sphagnum moss, sprayed the bottom with craft glue and then flattened it on top of the pumpkin.  Any stray hairs met up with the shears.

I thought it was a time saver to put all the hair in place at once.

The first two.

My mass arrangement.  I just loved the bright berries.  A real mixture here!

The natural arrangements with silver and china were visual relief.   They were a great height and not overwhelming as some arrangements can be. They were not screaming 'look at me' and were a nice subtle addition to the table.


   Nandina porcupine

Line arrangement??  I loved the shape of the evergreen.  This is all about textures and color.
Enjoy having fun with your arrangements!

Mary also made these wonderful white pumpkin arrangements for her Thanksgiving 2012 table!  Easy and beautiful.  Here is her story and photos from Nov. 2012

I had some DIY moments and when in Charlottesville.  I bought lots of succulents @ Ivy Nursery and got the idea for white pumpkins. After Googling white pumpkins and seeing some great ideas this is what I ended up with.  Adorable! Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I thought the gourd looked a little dark and that’s when the roses were inserted! Next time I will try spray painting the gourd.  


You can really tell from this photo that I spray painted orange pumpkins.
This one is still work in progress.



Sunday, October 2, 2016



The Kanawha Garden Club was formed on the side porch of a young Charlestonian on June 23, 1921.  She and other young matrons were doing civic work and beautifying their own gardens when they decided to form a club. After three years, in 1923, the Garden Club of Kinston, NY and Garden Club of Cincinnati proposed Kanawha Garden Club for membership in the national organization, The Garden Club of America.  At that time, The Garden Club of America was only eight years old.  The purpose of a club was to educate its members and the general public in the fields of horticulture, gardening, beautification, conservation, and the environment.  Kanawha Garden Club has tried to fulfill these obligations of membership through years of civic improvement and beautification through the planning, planting and preserving of trees, flowers and gardens.  Kanawha Garden Club currently is the only West Virginia garden club that is a member of  The Garden Club of America.

Mrs. Donnally & Mrs. Morgan (left photo) Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Barnes (right photo)


The purposes of this club are:

1.  To educate its members and the general public in the fields of horticulture, gardening, beautification, conservation and the environment.

2.  To stimulate the interest of its members and the general public in the fields of horticulture, gardening, beautification, conservation and the environment, and to encourage and  promote the protection and preservation of trees, wild and cultured flowers, and birds.

3.  To promote and aid in civic improvement and beautification, through the planning, planting and preservation of trees, flowers, and gardens, both public and private, and to contribute funds and the time, efforts and knowledge of its members to such ends.



Kanawha GC Snippets